Who is
Margo Shuttleworth?

School Involvement

Community Involvement
I have always taken an active role in schools within my community - as a Trustee, Researcher, Vice Principal, professor and parent. As Trustee, I ensure that I circle back when people get in touch involving issues both at the school and board level.. I am certified through the Ontario College of Teachers and have attended debates, discussions and symposiums to keep my knowledge of school administration and activity current. Prior to COVID, I tried to get into all of the Ward Four Schools on a voluntary basis. I was involved with Tecumseh's breakfast program and John T Tuck's pizza lunches.I spoke with Sir Ernest MacMillan's classes during Local Governance Week and always try to get out to the spirit days schools have. I get out to Nelson's sports events and support the schools when they have partnerships with places such as Indigo.
I am a proven leader and researcher with a focus on inclusion and diversity, Through my expert knowledge within inclusionary practices, curriculum and assessment and teaching and learning, I have led and directed training opportunities within the wider community.
I am experienced in creating strategic direction to support and embed an inclusive and welcoming environment within classrooms and institutions. I have completed extensive research on social, economic and educational inclusion in an academic setting and well as in the community. I continue to broaden my knowledge in the areas of education and health and safe communities through publications, research and community partnerships.
As a mother of children in the HDSB school system , I am committed to continuing to represent families and students of Ward 4 and the City of Burlington.
I am confident that, while listening to constituents and parent concerns, I have the knowledge, confidence and experience to continue to provide a strong voice for Ward 4.

My education and background
My life experiences and studies have revolved around education. After gaining my Bachelors in Psychology and Sociology at the University of Western Ontario, I travelled to Japan to teach English. Teaching there for two years, being commended for both my teaching and interpersonal skills, I travelled to Scotland and completed my post graduate teaching degree. Upon completion of this degree, I taught in England and went on to hold management roles in schools across the country. During my teaching I received both Advanced Teacher Skill Status and worked on school Boards of Governors. I also qualified as an Ofsted Inspector, which involved the inspection and regulation of services that care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages. Here in Ontario, I have received my certification through the Ontario College of Teachers.
I continued my professional development through study and completion of both Masters and Doctoral Studies of Education. My focus of study has been inclusion and how schools and the wider society are effectively educating the diverse populations which create the communities in which we live.

Other things that might be of interest.....
I am Assistant Professor at Brock University in the Department of Education. My courses focus on Inclusion, Assessment and Educational Psychology. I am also fortunate enough to work on research that focuses on Inclusion issues in school boards across Ontario and beyond. I have published, presented and edited work for Educational Journals and conferences in the UK, the US and Canada. Through my involvement in symposiums, conferences and writings I have broadened my scope on ensuring that education is made effective and meaningful for all children. I am working with colleagues and St Vincent and the Grenadines in developing a movement towards a more inclusive approach to their classroom environment.
My family have lived in Burlington for 11 years and we have two boys in elementary and high school. I enjoy running and find that it helps me to explore the neighbourhood around me and gives me a sense of accomplishment and stress release.