I think there are five key benefits that I offer as a candidate for Burlington's Ward 4 HDSB Trustee.
These benefits have guided me in the previous term, and I hope to use them to represent our community again:
There has been a lot of change seen at the Board over the past few years. We have a Director of Education who has only been in the role since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic, and our senior staff team has had a high turnover rate due to retirements. As a Board, we need stability in vision to ensure that the unique character and success that our board is so proud of having can live on. As your Burlington Ward 4 HDSB Trustee, I will bring stability to the Board and ensure our children can continue to lead, grow, and inspire together!
I have had four years of experience at the board table and the most recent year as Chair of the Board. I have gone above and beyond to ensure that I can fulfill the role to my best potential and, when necessary, undertaken additional training to support my growth. On top of my experience at the Board level, I am also a lifelong learner in pursuit of inclusive education for all and am committed to spreading opportunities so that our community can learn and grow.
I prioritize responding to all phone calls and emails as soon as possible; as your board representative, I feel this should be common sense. One of the things I am simply amazed by is the gratitude people send to me based on a simple phone call or email to respond to their questions – to me, following up and responding to people is a no-brainer. This is a standard courtesy - it is just what I do. If you re-elect me as your Trustee, I will continue to listen and assist in whatever I can, following up with you along the way to help you get what you need.
As Halton continues to grow, the diversity seen within the classroom needs to be not only recognized but celebrated. Some of the accomplishments I am most proud of is the recognition our board has given to the voices of some of the underrepresented communities. I encourage all students to achieve success within their Halton schools. I have spent my entire professional life advocating for inclusive learning environments and helping others understand how to create and sustain them. If you re-elect me as your Trustee, I will continue to work with you, the staff, and the Board to make sure that everyone in our school system feels included and valued.
In the previous election, I had four major promises: to listen to the community and be a strong voice at board meetings, to ask questions and demand answers, to ensure accountability and transparency, and to closely monitor transitions taking place within our schools. These are goals that I have held since day one of being your trustee and have worked tirelessly to ensure that they have come to fruition. One example of this was my involvement with the Multi-Year Plan Rollout. We listened to our community, I was a strong voice for my constituents. Further, we ensured accountability and closely monitored what needed to be addressed in our schools. If re-elected as your Trustee, I will continue to bring these same goals.